Welcome to Satzuma

Your path to hope, healing and freedom from alcohol dependence

Please note that the Satzuma program no longer exist.

This website can now only be used for info only.

What is Satzuma?

The Satzuma program is a new program that was created to help anyone who suffers from Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD). Alcohol dependence is a leading cause of early death and is inflicting countless suffering upon individuals, their families and the community at large.

If you are reading this page, chances are that either you, or someone you care about, suffers from alcohol addiction, and have struggled with it for a long time, with little or no success in either controlling or stopping altogether.

Satzuma is an alternative to a detox / rehab program, based on sound scientific and medical research. It is an engaging, informative and effective program

In Australia, the usual way of dealing with AUD is to offer detox, followed by some type of rehab program based in counselling. It is often brutal, ineffective and costly, both in terms of money but also in terms of suffering, despair and hopelessness. Most rehabilitation programs are lengthy, asking commitment for weeks or even months.

Most rehab facilities, either public or private, combine treatment for a range of addictions, including alcohol, drugs and opiates.

Satzuma is for alcohol only. Satzuma is an alternative to a detox / rehab program, based on sound scientific and medical research. It is an engaging, informative and effective program. It is based on the Sinclair Method (TSM) and face to face counselling. We can also provide Telehealth if you are unable to come to the surgery.

Also, in this world of ours, confidentiality is paramount, and our program, by its very nature, is totally confidential.

Online and fast program leading to recovery
Affordable and convenient
Ongoing support after completion of the program

Need more info?

If you have any questions regarding our program, please email Jean-Charles

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